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  • Favorite Game Oriental Beauties

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  1. Why was the BC Bank feature even implemented in the first place? It literally does nothing for anyone on the site except make it more difficult to see a profit BCgame has a history of introducing “new and exciting” features that end up being more of a downgrade than an upgrade for the players. Maybe it would be a better idea to ask the user base what features we would like to see, instead of releasing something useless and universally hated, like BC Bank Nobody likes it..I promise you. It’s straight trash. BCgame is the only site that does this typa scummy behavior with rakeback
  2. BCD New Design Proposal Created using Canva File type: PNG Size: 512x512
  3. Coinflip: 10 Bounty: https://bc.co/#/sd/10ZC94XB8DKLJN ————————————————— Coinflip: 9 https://bc.co/#/sd/10Z5TZM6INCOIB
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