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Name The New Exclusive Slots At BC.Game. $300 Prize!!


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  On 12/25/2020 at 5:08 AM, Coco_Father said:

Hey BC.Game Community. We Need Your Help Again! 

    Dear community, we are very near the release date of our brand new, exclusive and unique slots game. Once again, we can't figure out what to call it. It's not that we lack imagination and creativity. It's because we are very immature. Every name Coco suggested had the word "ass" in it. I don't even want to tell you what Yoko suggested. I'll give you a hint, though. You can probably find the same title somewhere on the first page at PornHub. This is where you come in.... We will be giving big rewards to the player or players that suggest the best title and the best back story. Anything is better than "SlotAss" or "BC Slots"



1.png.    2.jpg

3.jpg     4.jpg

5.jpg     6.jpg

7.jpg     8.jpg

9.jpg     10.jpg



Best Name(Title) = $100

Best Story =$200

How To Enter:

  • Reply to this topic with your suggestion.
  • Entries must be related to the game images. 
  • You do not have to submit a title and a story.
  • You may create a story for someone else's title.
  • You may create a title for someone else's story.
  • Each player may submit 3 different suggestions.
    • That's a maximum of 3 titles and 3 stories each.



  • All entries must be submitted by January 7th, 2021.
  • Entering from multiple accounts will lead to a ban from this and all future challenges.
  • Your BC.Game Forum name must match your BC.Game username that you use in the casino.
  • VIP Level 2 or higher may participate.
  • Reply to this topic only. Do not create a new topic thread. 
  • Do not quote anything on this Topic thread.

Thank You For Your Help In Making BC.Game

The Best Crypto Casino In The World.

BC.Game Team



-Chess loot slots

At that time, a group of archaeologists from the German Oriental Society (DOG) conducted excavations in Amarna, a long-forgotten city on the banks of the Nile. At that time, archaeologists were trying to find hidden treasures under the desert. None of the entourage, including expedition leader Ludwig Borchardt, expected to find the unexpected. (the story is only fictional)


-Slots loot cave graves

When Carter along with the fanatical Egyptian expert Lord Carnarvon scrutinized the treasure trove of gold, precious stones, jewelery, and various priceless relics, they forgot the stern warnings that had been laid down centuries ago to protect the grave from looters. .

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Rags or Riches, An Adventures Tale

The Pyramid's Catacombs


Some would be adventure(s) stumble upon a secret door in Giza, the largest pyramid. After gazing though an opening,  a chest could be seen afar. After taking a few steps the adventure quickly realised this could lead to something more then a few coin peices.


Story can be for either, or another.





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Mummy's treasure jackpot

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Hope yall like🤞🥰🤎


SLOT HISTORY OR STORY BEHIND THE NAME I HAVE CHOSEN: A Herodotus machine was a genuine machine said to be discovered, assembled, and profoundly used by the Egyptians and throughout their history to build the pyramids. A huge part of their history. Secondly, the meaning behind the actual name Herodotus itself is a true ancient historian - one who claimed his popularity by recording events through time as accurately and as faithfully as possible - is further known as The Father of History. Herodotus as a whole and the Herodotus machine helps signify a good bit of Egyptian history through all times; how much better could my slot name suggestion get? 

Ps. If I figure out how to update my name to match I definitely will. --- GOT IT🤦‍♀️ anyways.. I love the beauty behind this slot and regardless of the name in the end - I cannot wait to play it. Its magnificent and hope yall like my idea❤

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the mummy megaways

king mummy megaways

gordon anubis slots

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Heka coco


The book of the coco

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Crypto Hieroglyph Encrypter 




(Egyptian-)Hieroglyphe Decrypter

Egyptian Crypto Grabber 

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I'm thinking Bit Crypt for BC. The place too come get your money back from coco after burning it all in house.... 😉 The Characters name seems like he should be a Brian and he's out here for Coco's loot (ass). 

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Polybius the urban legend. Enough said Google it. 

This is the new bc version look up the name you'll find some crazy documents and conspiracys around the game that nobody can find. People think it doesn't exist and that it made kids die... Other think it's an online myth but bc fam knows it's only for the feint of heart!

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BIG MORROW                                        ONLY TITLE 



3   THE  LAST  fervid  TEMPLE







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1. Megaways: Anubis

2. Megaways: Afterlife

3. Riches of Necropolis


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BC - New Slot Game - Name/Story Contest:


Anubis Crypto of Death

No back story


Crypto-Crypts of Resurrection

No back story


Egyptian Crypto-Raiders

No back story


Amun-Ra Kingdom Of Cryptology






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Egyptian Bang. The story of Cleopatra and her rise and fall as leader of Egypt. All of her whirlwind kinky love affairs, that ultimately led to her and. 😝😝😝

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Cocos crypt

Treasures of egypt 

Cocos pyramid plundering 

ancient treasure maze



long ago there were great gatekeepers who roamed the online ruins of bc game. They locked away rewards and riches to those daring enough to attempt to decode their pyramid. Spin to find out if your lucky enough ! There’s stories that the gods will  occasionally line up three pyramid symbols ina row, which is followed by sea of riches! 

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1. Reels of Bal'el

2. Djinnunaki     [gin-new-knock-ee]

3. Unlost Archaics  "

behold these small offerings of word play albeit conceptual to your scheme /layout i draw these from our anomolus well of infinite unconceived realizations 

pssst... (whispers softly)  "there's money in the air over there all you got to do is reach up in the air and grab it" - Corey Taylor ... stone sour/come whatever may. .

other relative content now in the field waiting for aspects of the creator coming down to time and space.  enjoy my title entries ill be working on corresponding short story attachments hopefully crafted by tip of the tongue phraseologies but staying honest with my vernaculars.   TBD

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Mahkota keledai ata super keledai besar


Bermain dalam slot adalah hal yg paling menyenangkan, sehingga mampu membuat gembira dan menjadi teman setiap hari. Bermain slot mampu memberikan efek detak jantung yg wah sehingga membuat pemain penasaran dan asyik menaruh kan taruhannya

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