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The problem I have is with the way the new lucky spin 10bcd reward is worded. It made me and a few others in the chat think that the 10bcd would be unlocked right away ,  provided you had 10bcd to unlock. If you don't have any bcd to unlock then i understand having to wager to build that up or whatever...but if you already have a ton of it and its taking forever to unlock then that 10bcd unlock is actually a really good prize on the lucky spin..It would be so much better to get that than it would be to get 10,000jb everyday for weeks in a row. Let me know what everyone else that was awarded the awesome 10bcd on the lucky spin today thought when they checked their wallet and just had 10bcd extra in the locked side of their bcd savings account

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  On 3/19/2022 at 5:17 PM, Aziz91 said:

I won a 10bcd prize, but it's still locked, how do I open it


By wagering.



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Easy concept lol


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This is my only issue with this update. Love the update but what anything you get from the lucky spin shouldn’t be locked. 

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Yes, that's right. Then it can't be called a reward. I understand if you get a deposit bonus but on a rewards round. Stupidity.

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